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Deactivating a user and off-boarding

How to deactivate a user. When deactivated there will be an off boarding questions to reassign to a different line manager.

Myo Zaw Hein avatar
Written by Myo Zaw Hein
Updated over 2 years ago

Deactivating a user will effectively take the total employee count by -1. However his data will be intact. And you will not be charged for deactivated users in Pay As You Go plan. You can reactivate him anytime.

How to deactivate a user

1. Click on employee name you want to deactivate in Employee tab.

2. Click on 'System'.

3. Click 'Deactive User' and enter the resign date in 'Terminated Date'.

4. Click 'Update'.

5. You will see 'Success' message after click update.

6. It will shown up with grey colour in employee list for deactivated users.

Reassigning a line manager if the deactivated account has many people reporting to him or assets attached.

1. When you deactivate the line manager,

2. You can change new line manager for his/ her team members and click 'Next'.

3. Click 'Unlink Asset' if there are assigned assets from company.

4. Click 'Finish'.

4. It will show up 'Success' message after that.

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