Bug Fixes
We have made some bug fixes for this week listed below:
We have fixed a rare issue that the income tax amount is not shown in the payroll group but shown in the payslip.
We also fixed that SSB row is duplicated in the payslip.
We have now fixed that SSB is calculated for 12 months for the employee who will resign in this month.
We have fixed another issue that is leave values shown in leave balance and in employee profile are not the same. Also some leave types are disappearing in employee profile
We also fixed a rare issue that “ view more” button in the payslip column is missing in the payroll group.
We fixed a small issue that download function is being duplicated to view a file and acknowledge button doesn't appear.
We have fixed that employees' download counts are not tracked properly in employee resource center.
We also fixed that employee count showing zero even though access is given to some departments.
We fixed that employees are appearing double in the list in employee resource center.
We also have fixed that error message showing " http 502" when users try to request attendance around 6am.
We have now improved our inbox preview UI for pending requests to show request reasons and icons for request types.
We have changed the label “Family Info” to “ Tax Info” for better communication in our mobile app.
We have improved our mobile app UI for iOS to show employee’s name and position on attendance screen.
We have fixed that attendance data is not refreshed and showing yesterday’s data when user first opens up our app.
Now we have improved the birthday card UI to show the employee’s profile pictures and close button. We also improved the birthday wishes' arrangement to show according to time (ie, the first wish will be shown first) and birthday wishes can be also shared on Facebook.
We also fixed that the birthday count is showing zero even though there are upcoming birthdays in the people tab.
We fixed an issue for Sri Lanka that employees can’t acknowledge payslip in their mobile app.
We have improved tax info in employee profile for Sri Lanka.Now users can upload National ID ,EPF and Taxpayer ID.
Next week pipeline
bug fixes
performance improvements
coming new features