Major Improvements
New payroll code has been released for Myanmar payroll module. It is 5x to 6x faster than before and targeted at 1,000+ headcount payroll group. Payroll generation benchmark is that it should only take 2-3 minute for 1,500 headcount payroll group. Batch Import should be similar 2-3 minute for 1,500 headcount.
You can now export the whole Project Analytics Table. See the sample excel sheet
βWe have a new look for employee table - better looking, more consistent, better employee visibility per screen
Bug fixes
Fixed the wrong label in Project-based pay email template
Fixed a bug where some information such as job title won't be refreshed in Chat
Fixed a bug where only web Inbox is showing deleted requests only when using the search and filter together
Fixed a bug where disabled payroll columns in setting sometimes show up in payroll groups
Fixed a bug where an Absent amount is being shown on payroll column. (Visual bug only, doesn't affect the real calculation)
Fixed a bug where you can't find employee on Asset assignment
Some changes
Duty Roster excel upload will now overwrite everything except Leave day. It will overwrite everything including shifts, day off and public holiday