Project-based Pay - a new hourly payment based on projects for employees from some enterprises and NGO organizations.
To use this feature > tap on project-based pay
Manage project > you can see all project requests history month by month on this screen. You can also see total pending hours, total approved hours and total rejected hours as shown in the screenshot.
To make a new project request > tap on the plus button
In project request form > you can choose projects which you want to work on, the approver to approve your request and the date when you do your project.
To select project hours > normally you can adjust project hours by pressing on the plus button and minus button. But to select a large amount of duration, you need to tap on project hours as shown in the screenshot.
By using this time selector > you can select a large amount of duration quickly.
If you finish sending a request, you can see your pending request in the history view.
You can withdraw your request if your approver hasn't responded yet.